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    Sr. Rompecabezas!

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  1. Yep, I have, on occasion, cut a longer cigar in half instead of going down to root around in the coolers. Perhaps worse, I've also relit cigars that I've had to abandon.
  2. For years, I've been almost exclusively using my original Doug Ritter Mini-RSK folder. Great all-around utility knife and, when sharpened to 15-degrees, always cuts the cap cleanly. The only time I'll use a double-blade cutter (like a Palio) is for pointy-headed cigars that look like they have a delicate wrapper. Otherwise, it'll still be the Mini-RSK.
  3. It's always interesting to read about Chinese immigrants who engaged in business other than laundry and restaurant (having come from a family that owned both of those stereotypical businesses). I wonder why we never made more of an enduring impact in the US domestic tobacco business?
  4. I've tried various CDB gummies. No discernible effects of any kind. Even at 4-5x the high-potency dosages. Guess it doesn't work on me.
  5. That's a whopper of an ashtray! I keep my nubs and ashes in separate containers. I dump the nubs outside each time but the ashes container can fill up for quite awhile with essentially no odor.
  6. First two doses were Pfizer. Six months later, I took the Moderna booster. Nothing but a little local soreness for 2 or 3 days. I still wear a mask when out
  7. Would someone be so kind as to provide a link to the cartoon in question? All I see is an empty placeholder box. <<Doh, of course the link was right there. Forgive me as I had only had half my coffee at that point>>
  8. At least in the comfort of my own back deck. Anyone else packing up their main home-based/outdoor smoking lounge for the season?
  9. Yikes. Hope you feel better and recover well, Ken. Both of my parents had the shingles (I should get my inoculation soon) and my mother described it as second in misery only to kidney/gallstones.
  10. A man's got to know his limitations. Anything over $125, maybe $150 a bottle would be wasted on me.
  11. Fixed. Should take between 1-3 depending on his constitution.
  12. Fur felt fedora and Panama. I'm a big fan of Akubra hats. Particularly special is this customer made beaver fur by Bob Jessee at Black Sheep Hat Works.

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