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  2. My work desktop is a Windows PC. I use Microsoft applications and a web browser. For work travel I’ve got not an iPad Pro and a Windows laptop. A few years ago I just stopped using the laptop as all the software updates etc whenever I turned it on (once a month) were such a pain and the iPad Pro apps became much more advanced. So I’m getting the new pro for work travel and would never seriously consider a laptop again. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I would be livid if I am paying for an LCDH franchise in a top rent location and the company I pay fees to cannot supply the inventory to make it a viable business. Could there be a breach of service contract in there somehow?
  4. Chris McMillian, one of America’s most legendary bartenders, introduced me to the Julep in 2007 with this incredible poem in his video on the drink. It begins with a history of the drink (Chris is one of the most knowledgeable people in the world on the history of drinks). Watch it and sip slowly, it’s lovely.
  5. I've struggled with the Punch line the whole way. Something about the flavours don't do it for me. I got told that Punch is a marca that requires some age, don't know how true that is, but I've packed away what I've got and am going to let some years pass before I revisit.
  6. What's the book about if you don't mind me asking? The cover makes me interested immediately.
  7. Today
  8. I have an iPad Pro and the latest Gen MBP. Do yourself a favour and don’t try to do real work on an iPad. Go for the MBP and don’t look back. iPad versions of most software packages are just shittier. Documents, Spreadsheets and anything remotely taxing on the processors will piss you off. Don’t be fooled by those guys that look all chipper while note taking on their iPads with the gleam in their eye. That’s all it’s good for. Notes and drawing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Maybe he bought the box from there so gets to bring em in and smoke whenever he pleases. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I can't hear mint julep or Kentucky Derby without scenes from the Marx Brothers Out West and a Day at the Races blasting into my mind.
  11. Yeah my favourite of the Hemingway's alright. A bit weird but from the signature up I love the line. The shorter ones not a fan at all. I must be nuts.
  12. Reading some of these replies explains where the 24:24 are going. “I see” said the blind man.
  13. Alternatively, while I don’t espouse narcing on people as a rule, you could casually approach the owner (who you say you know), and say something like “what’s the deal with that guy who comes in every Saturday and smokes those telephone poles he brings with ‘im? Does he ever buy anything?” If there is an explanation as posited above, that’s a painless way to find out. I would be very hesitant to approach the guy directly unless I was prepared for an unpleasant confrontation.
  14. A mix for me, in my basement lounge when the weather is bad and outside, mostly in the Spring/Summer.
  15. I would mind my own business unless this gentleman was smoking a Dom Perignon, then I would: - become friends with him and find out if his humidor is still packed with those - find out where he lives in case things don't go as planned - become godfather of his offspring or the son he never had, where appropriate - tell him discretely and regularly (not too often, it could ruin everything) how Cuban Davidoffs are overrated and far past their prime - have him give it to me as we're family now after all (and he can't enjoy those old wasted cigars anymore since i ruined it for him) - get back to my life and enjoy !! Of course this would take time and dedication, it's not for everyone.
  16. Set off all the fire alarms in Sydney. No one will have him. 😁
  17. I'm 50/50. Smoke in my truck a lot. While fishing outside,sometimes in the house but that's wearing thin. Many times on the back deck when the wind is down.
  18. Can it be hosted by Diane Morgan as Philomina Cunk? Cunk on coronas/churchills/carlotas?? Look forward to seeing it Cheers Pres on Piramides?
  19. Yeah particularly if you us Lightroom Classic and not Lightroom (worst naming convention), there is no lightroom classic for Ipad and once you switch to lightroom your catalog doesn't sync back to the lightroom classic catalog.
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