Partagás Short


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Partagás Short

Reviewed: September 8, 2006

Length: 110 mm, 4 3/8 Inches

Ring: 16.67 mm, 42

Vitola: Minutos

Origin: Cuba

Box Code: MPC JUN 04

While I have smoked several hundreds, well let’s be more honest, nearly over a 1000 of these over the years; for whatever reason, I have never sat down and written a review on this little cigar. So when I was requested to post a review, I felt qualified to do so. Yet I wanted to find the time to devote to do this properly. Tonight was the night.

This cigar was chosen from a Cabinet that I picked up a couple of years ago and has been resting in my wine coolador ever since. The wrapper had a rustic look and feel to it which was somewhat veiny, medium brown Colorado shade and was capped with a triple cap that was expertly placed. Using my Xikar cutter, I clipped the cap and took a pre-draw that provided a slightly resistant draw, yet was not too tight. I typically prefer this type of draw vs a loose draw because I can take a few strong pulls on the cigar and not create a situation where it causes the cigar to heat up and become harsh.

Upon lighting the cigar, I was greeted with the typical sweet Partagás peppery spiciness with the first draw. The cigar was bold, rich, and earthy and smacked of leather. Draw after draw, it reminded me of what a Partagás should taste like. One draw would remind me of the leather, the next the rich earthiness, while the sweet spice was always in the background yet never far from being right in your face. In the second third of the cigar, I tasted a mixture of peat and citrus which enhanced the boldness of the cigar even more. Some people have stated that the Partagás Short reminds them of a “Mini Me” of a Serie D No. 4, and I categoryly disagree with this statement. I feel that the Partagás Short is much closer to a “Mini Me” of a Lusitanias. It has a much older school of flavor in its depth and complexity. Toward the final third of the cigar, I noticed the flavors turning nutty with a creamy spiciness showing itself. The Partagás Short is a fuller bodied, richly flavored spicy cigar that has all the classical Partagás sweet peppery spice which will delight all those that enjoy this type of flavor. This cigar provides a great 35-45 minutes of full flavor and will satisfy those that only have a short amount of time and desire a Habano that packs a punch, yet is complex in its own way. I would personally rate the Partagás Short as a 5 smoke ring cigar, as it is an exceptional smaller cigar that provides a lot of flavor and complexity in a small amount of time.

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Nice review, Chuck! The Short is my favorite minuto, by a long shot, and I always have an aged cab on hand. Sometimes it's entertaining to smoke a young one. It'll open the sinuses.

I agree that the flavor profile isn't like a miniature PSD4. It's different. But IMO, it isn't a baby Lusi, either. It's too strong. Looks like I'm gonna have to do some comparisons soon. Gee, I hate when that happens! LOL!!

Your description of the flavor profile is spot on, Chuck. Once again you have demonstrated why you are known as the Party Whores' Party *****. A veritable ***** among whores!

Can I be your "mini-me"? I promise to wear a hat!

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